The most comprehensive coverage on the construction of Statutes. It includes parts of statutes,Extrinsic-Aids,Intrinsic aids, Reading down, Amendments,Repeals,codifications,Quasi-Judicial agencies,Non-obstante clause,Mandatory/Declatory provisions,Tax ,Beneficial, Criminal,Fiscal Statute's Interpretation and sub-ordinate legislations.Besides it contains the Rules of Interpretation and the Role of Judiciary.Citations are in abundance.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Presumption that Statute is In conformity with International Law
Ambiguity: Per Maxewell
In 1906 Justice OfConnor in the High Court, immediately after his reference to the broader sense of the word "ambiguity", quoted with approval the following passage from the third edition of
Maxwell on the Interpretation of Statutes:
"General words admit of indefinite extension or restriction, according to the subject to which they relate, and the scope and object in contemplation. They may convey faithfully enough all that was intended, and yet comprise also much that was not; or be so restricted in meaning as not to reach all the cases which fall within the real intention. Even, therefore, where there is no indistinctness or conflict of thought, or carelessness of expression in a statute, there is enough in the vagueness or elasticity inherent in language to account for the difficulty so frequently found in ascertaining the meaning of an enactment, with a degree of accuracy necessary for determining whether a particular case falls within it.[ Bowtell v Goldsborough Mort & Co Limited]
The basic proposition was well put by Lord Reid in the following citation that is fairly impressive and general words may have some other meaning is fairly established[Blogger]:
"There are many cases where general words in a statute are given a limited meaning. That is, not only when there is something in the statute itself which requires it, but also where to give general words their apparent meaning would lead to conflict with some fundamental principles. Where there is ample scope for the words to operate without any such conflict it may very well be that the draftsman did not have in mind and Parliament did not realise that the words were so wide that in some few cases they could operate to subvert a fundamental principle. In general, of course, the intention of Parliament can only be inferred from the words of the statute, but it appears to me to be well established in certain cases that, without some specific indication of an intention to do so, the mere generality of words used will not be regarded as sufficient to show an intention to depart from fundamental principle." [Smith v East Elloe Rural District Council [I9561 AC 736 at 764-765]
However, what are fundamental principles while interpreting an Act, it is intent of legislature or the object of the statute[blogger]The following shall also say the same in regard to the fundamental principles .i.e the fundamental rights shall not be infringed. Thus we have two meanings assigned to the word fundamental. However, the following contains a popular presumption to the statutes that the Act cannot override the constitution.;blogger]
"One can point to other 'rules of construction' which require clear and unambiguous words before a statutory provision will be construed as displaying a legislative intent to achieve a particular result. Examples of such 'rules' are those relating to the construction of a statute which would abolish or modify fundamental common law principles or rights, which would operate retrospectively, which would deprive a superior court of power to prevent an unauthorized assumption of jurisdiction or which would take away property without compensation. The rationale of all such rules lies in an assumption that the legislature would, if it intended to achieve the particular effect, have made its intention in that regard unambiguously clear. Thus, the rationale of the presumption against the modification or abolition of fundamental rights or principles is to be found in the assumption that it is 'in the least degree improbable that the legislature would overthrow fundamental principles, infringe rights, or depart from the general system of law, without expressing its intention with irresistible clearness; and to give any such effect to general words, simply because they have that meaning in their widest, or usual, or natural sense, would be to give them a meaning in which they were not really used '[Bropho. Citation not given here]
Courts not to Amend the language
In another case we find the following argument quite convincing:
The above reasoning cannot be a justification for the Court to virtually amend the statute when the statute is plain, precise, clear and unambiguous and does not admit more than one meaning, and such a course is impermissible having due regard to the principle Casus omissus. According to this principle, a matter which should have been, but has not been provided for in a statute cannot be supplied by courts, as to do so will be legislation and not construction as held by the Privy Council and the Supreme Court in large number of pronouncements starting with HANSRAJ GUPTA v. DEHRA DUN LMUSSOORIE ELECTRIC TRAMWAY CO. LTD.[ AIR 1933 PC 63]; HIRADEVI v. DISTRICT BOARD, SHAHJAHANPUR[ AIR 1952 SC 362]; and the pronouncement in WALIRAM WAMAN HIRAY (Dr.) v. MR. JUSTICE B.LENTIN [AIR 1988 SC 2267]. Secondly, ignorance of the situation highlighted by the learned single Judge cannot be attributed to the Legislature which has enacted sub-Section (3) of Section 79. It is not for the Court to question the wisdom of the Legislature. [N. Sanjiva Rao v. The Regional Joint Director of School - W.A.No.849 of 2000 [2000] INAPHC 214 (12 September 2000). "If we were to interpret Section 10 (5) and Rule 70 (4) in the manner the respondents want this Court to do, we will enter into an arena where the courts do not normally tread. Amendment, addition or subtraction from the statue is the function of the Legislature and not of the Courts and except in a case where result of a plaint interpretation of the statute leads to extremely absurd situation or causes grave public mischief, the Court cannot rewrite the statute or make some addition or election from a statutory provision. It is also one of the well settled principles of interpretation that if the words of the statute are precise and unambiguous ten the Court must expound those words in their natural and ordinary sense because the words themselves declare the intent of the law giver."[COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, BHOPAL (M.P.) v. FRONTLINE SOFTWARE & SERVICES PVT. LTD. - MAIT--133/2006 [2007] INMPHC 247 (26 March 2007) Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Vemareddy Kumaraswamy Reddy & Anr. Vs. State of A.P. JT 2006 (2) SC 361 to contend that where the words of statute are unambiguous and clear and the intention of the legislature is clearly conveyed there is no scope for the court to innovate or take upon itself the task of amending or altering statutory provisions.In this connection Supreme court has made a very clear statement that:"In Nasiruddin and others vs. Sita Ram Agarwal : (2003) 2 SCC 577 this Court stated the law in the following terms :- "37. The court's jurisdiction to interpret a statute can be invoked when the same is ambiguous. It is well known that in a given case the court can iron out the fabric but it cannot change the texture of the fabric. It cannot enlarge the scope of legislation or intention when the language of provision is plain and unambiguous. It cannot add or subtract words to a statute or read something into it which is not there. It cannot re-write or recast legislation. It is also necessary to determine that there exists a presumption that the legislature has not used any superfluous words. It is well settled that the real intention of the legislation must be gathered from the language used. It may be true that use of the expression "shall or may" is not decisive for arriving at a finding as to whether statute is directory or mandatory. But the intention of the legislature must be found out from the scheme of the Act. It is also equally well settled that when negative words are used the courts will presume that the intention of the legislature was that the provisions should be mandatory in character." Even if there exists some ambiguity in the language or the same is capable of two interpretations, it is trite the interpretation which serves the object and purport of the Act must be given effect to. In such a case the doctrine of purposive construction should be adopted. (See : : Swedish Match AB and another vs. Securities & Exchange Board, India and another : 2004 (7) Scale 158.) In High Court of Gujarat and another vs. Gujarat Kishan Mazdoor Panchayat and others : (2003) 4 SCC 712 this Court held :- "35. The Court while interpreting the provision of a statute, although, is not entitled to rewrite the statute itself, is not debarred from "ironing out the creases". The court should always make an attempt to uphold the rules and interpret the same in such a manner which would make it workable.'NATHI DEVI V. RADHA DEVI GUPTA [2004] INSC 770 (17 December 2004 In para 16 of the judgment, it has quoted an excerpt from its earlier judgment in the case of Nasiruddin and others Vs. Sita Ram Agrawal (2003) 2 SCC 577, which is reproduced below:-
In the case of Gurudevdatta Vksss Maryadit and others Versus State of Maharashtra and others reported in (2001) 4 SCC 534, the Apex Court held as follows:"Further we wish to clarify that it is a cardinal principle of interpretation of statute that the words of a statute must be understood in their natural, ordinaly or popular sense and construed according to their grammatical meaning, unless such construction leads to some absurdity or unless there is something in the context or in the object of the statute to suggest to the contrary. The golden rule is that the words of a statute must prima facie be given their ordinary meaning. It is yet another rule of construction that when the words of the statute are clear, plain and unambiguous, then the courts are bound to give effect to that meaning, irrespective of the consequences. It is said that the words themselves best declare the intention of the law-giver. The courts have adhered to the principle that efforts should be made to give meaning to each and every word used by the legislature and it is not a sound principle of construction to brush aside words in a statute as being inapposite surpluses, if they can have a proper application in circumstances conceivable within the contemplation of the statute."
There is uniformity in the judiciary world over about this type of construction
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Considering Act as a whole
"Background of the statute as a whole were summarized the principles of interpretation of a statute as a whole:
[TRANSLATION] [I] t must respect the basic rule that no one can claim to have understood any part of any law or any other document before reading it in full . While she has not done, that person can not say that all or part of the law or document is clear and unambiguous. [ Attorney-General v. Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover , [1957] AC 436 (HL), at p. 463.]
[T] he duty of a good interpreter of a law passed by Parliament is to interpret the various parts together, and not part separately; nemo enim aliquam partem recte intelligere posse, antequam totum iterum atque iterum perlegerit [. ..] and thus before our era laws have been interpreted by the elders, judges and other sages of the law. [ Lincoln College's Case (1595) 3 Co. Rep.. 58b, 76 ER 764, at p. 767.] [Emphasis added.]
207 The rule nemo enim aliquam partem recte intelligere posse, totum iterum atque iterum antequam perlegerit literally means no one can understand a part until you have read and reread all full . This rule is part of the common law for over 400 years and has been codified in Quebec, in respect of contracts, art.1427the Civil Code of Quebec, , SQ 1991, ch. 64 (formerly art. 1018 of the Civil Code of Lower Canada ). We must therefore read and reread all the law in full before deciding on the definition that we seek to establish. If necessary to understand the economics of law, we will even read and reread the regulations made thereunder. The underlying reason for the justification of the rule nemo intelligere possible antequam iterum perlegerit is as follows. It must be assumed that the law is consistent. The principle of internal coherence of the law is common law since the seventeenth century: Chamberlain's Case (1611), Lane 117, 145 ER 346 at p. 347 (J. Tanfield):
[TRANSLATION]... the meaning of an Act of Parliament should be interpreted by examining the intent of its drafters, freed of all its provisions, so as to ensure there is no inconsistency, but rather an agreement between all its parts ... [Emphasis added.]
208 I note that the modern expression of the principle of internal consistency, which is part of our law since the reformulation was that Lord Atkinson in the casev. City of Victoria Bishop of Vancouver Island , [1921] 2 AC 384 (PC), at p. 388, was re-enacted by this Court in The King v. Assessors of the Town of Sunny Brae , 1952 CanLII 34 (CSC) , [1952] 2 SCR 76, at p. 97
[TRANSLATION] In my opinion, the interpretation of a statute that produces such anomalies is contrary to well established rules of interpretation.
If possible, a statute must be construed "so that there is no inconsistency or conflict between its parts or components" ... [Emphasis added.]
209 According to Driedger on the Construction of Statutes , op. cit. , p. 176, the presumption of internal consistency of a statute is virtually irrefutable:
[TRANSLATION] The provisions of a statute are presumed to work together, both logically and teleologically, as parts of a whole. The parties are presumed to fit together logically to form a rational, internally consistent.
. The presumption of consistency is virtually irrefutable . [Emphasis added.]"
The above is summed up in the following:
“As the product of a rational and logical legislature, the statute is considered to form a system. Every component contributes to the meaning as a whole, and the whole gives meaning to its parts: ‘each legal provision should be considered in relation to other provisions, as parts of a whole’ . . .”: Côté, at p. 308. See also Dubois v. The Queen, 1985 CanLII 10 (S.C.C.), [1985] 2 S.C.R. 350, at p. 365.
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Intent: Touchstone of Interpretation
Legislative intent and its derivation is the part and parcel of interpretation as it shows the object of the statute and its purpose[blogger].As long ago as 1660 the Barons of the Court of the Exchequer said:
"And the judges of the law in all times past have so far pursued the intent of the makers of statutes that they have expounded Acts which were general in words to be but particular where the intent was particular.[Stradling v Morgan (1660) 75 ER 305 at 312.]
And added:
". . . the sages of the law heretofore have construed statutes quite contrary to the letter in some appearance, and those statutes which comprehend all things in the letter, they have expounded to extend but to some things, and those which generally prohibit all people from doing such an act, they have interpreted to permit some people to do it, and those which include every person in the letter they have adjudged to reach to some persons only, which expositions have always been founded upon the intent of the legislature which they have collected sometimes by considering the cause and necessity of making the Act, sometimes by comparing one part of the Act with another and sometime by foreign circumstances. So that they have ever been guided by the intent of the Legislature, which they have always taken according to the necessity of the matter, and according to that which is consonant to reason and good discretion.”[Stradling as above and also see: See also Bowtell v Goldsborough Mort b Co Limited, above n4, at 457- 458; Commercial Union Insurance Co Ltd v Colonial Carrying Co of New Zealand Ltd [I9371 NZLR 1041 at 1047-1049]
Matter cited from Statutory Interpretation: Identzhing the Linguistic Register byThe Honourable J J Spigelman AC *[Chief Justice of New South Wales. This article is an edited version of the 1999 Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture. The Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture was established to mark the arrival of the first group of Bachelor of Laws students at The University of Newcastle in 1993. It is an annual event which is to be delivered by an eminent lawyer at the commencement of each academic year.]
Purposive approach to identify the Intention
The purposive approach to statutory construction is now enshrined in statutes. [E.g. Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) sl5AA; Interpretation Act 1987 (NSW) s33] It is not without its difficulties. It must not be forgotten that the task is to identify the meaning of what Parliament said, not to identify what Parliament meant to say.”[ Black-Clawson International Ltd v Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg AG above n3, at 613 per Lord Reid, 645 per Lord Simon of Glaisdale; R v Bolton; Ex parte Beane (1987) 162 CLR 514 at 518; Byme v Australian Airlines Ltd (1995) 185 CLR 410 at 459.]
Reading the purpose of the Act provides the context as well. The following statement would also provide a support to depart from the literal meaning when it cannot be applied.[blogger]
A good short hand description of this approach is "literal in total context". E. Driedger, Construction of Statutes 2nd Ed. Scarborough: Butterworths, 1983; Barnes "Statutory Interpretation, Law Reform and Sampford's Theory of the Disorder of Law- Part One" (1994) 22 Fed LR 116 at 134.] Wherever general words must be construed, it is essential for the interpreter to bear in mind that a statute has a context, it has a background and it reflects assumptions as to the circumstances in which it will operate. The words of a statute do not exist in limbo’[Morris v Beardmore [I9811 AC 446 at 449 per Lord Edmund-Davies.]
When To Depart from Ordinary or Plain Meaning Rule
The propriety of departing from the literal interpretation extends to any situation in which for good reason the operation of the statute on a literal reading does not conform to the legislative intent as ascertained from the provisions of the statute, including the policy which may be discerned from those provision."[ Cooper Brookes (Wollongong) Pty Limited v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1981) 147 CLR]
One of the important derivations of the rulings of the court will help us in stating the use of literal rule. One may deviate from the normal rule of interpretation if the meaning is clear and is not subject of discussion or any form of confusion. The literal rule for statutory interpretation is not applicable and the terms must be given the ordinary meanings ascribed thereto in dictionaries, including medical and legal dictionaries, where applicable.The following was observed in regard to the that has been stated in these lines.[Blogger]
Blog Archive
May 29
- Presumption that Statute is In conformity with Int...
- Ambiguity: Per Maxewell
- Courts not to Amend the language
- Considering Act as a whole
- Intent: Touchstone of Interpretation
- Purposive approach to identify the Intention
- When To Depart from Ordinary or Plain Meaning Rule
- Construction where Most ordinary and Natural Meani...
- Statute as a whole..contd..
May 29